Sunday, 26 September 2010

Are you a gay?

So yesterday I was talking to my good friend Dave about relationships and I was happy to find that he shares the same views as me! While I call myself gay, that is only because it's the only way for most people to make sense of my sexuality. In reality though, I could fuck just about anything lol! Seriously though, I could have sex with a woman and I'm more than sure that I'd enjoy it. So does that make me bi? =s wouldn't it make more sense and simplify things if we ditched the labels and just went with whoever we felt like going with? Eat pussy one night and swallow cock the next! Nothing gay, bi or straight about it, not sex with a man or woman, just sex with another person. Makes sense to me. I think they call it being pansexual. The idea where you love a person for who they are, not what they are. You love that person for their personality, like falling in love with their soul not their body, which totally removes the question of gender.

I hope that in the future there will be no such thing as gay, bi or straight, just free sex and free love without a label to identify you. What do you think? Do we need to be labelled according to which gender we prefer to be intimate with, or are we getting past all that? I like to think we're getting past it, or are on our way to doing so.

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